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This page describes the <tidy-select> argument modifier which indicates that the argument uses tidy selection, a sub-type of tidy evaluation. If you've never heard of tidy evaluation before, start with the practical introduction in then then read more about the underlying theory in

Overview of selection features

tidyselect implements a DSL for selecting variables. It provides helpers for selecting variables:

  • var1:var10: variables lying between var1 on the left and var10 on the right.

As well as operators for combining those selections:

  • !selection: only variables that don't match selection.

  • selection1 & selection2: only variables included in both selection1 and selection2.

  • selection1 | selection2: all variables that match either selection1 or selection2.

Key techniques

  • If you want the user to supply a tidyselect specification in a function argument, you need to tunnel the selection through the function argument. This is done by embracing the function argument {{ }}, e.g unnest(df, {{ vars }}).

  • If you have a character vector of column names, use all_of() or any_of(), depending on whether or not you want unknown variable names to cause an error, e.g unnest(df, all_of(vars)), unnest(df, !any_of(vars)).

  • To suppress R CMD check NOTEs about unknown variables use "var" instead of var:

# has NOTE
df %>% select(x, y, z)

# no NOTE
df %>% select("x", "y", "z")